Fulfilling customer needs

DACO Solutions, the UK based manufacturer of finishing machinery for the converting industry, has a clear machine development philosophy: keep it simple and adhere exactly to the customer’s specified needs. Employing this direct approach enables DACO to provide cost-effective and very easy-to-use solutions, essential components of which are the MEROBEL range of web tension control equipment. From the simplest to most advanced machine MEROBEL products are integral to the machines success.


GravoplyTM Laser: an all-in-one solution for your laser and rotary engravings

GravoplyTM Laser is the new range of materials for interior signage applications available from Gravograph. Suitable for use on both laser machines and rotary engraving machines, GravoplyTM Laser is the most extensive material range on the market, with 78 product items. It is also a low-cost solution, as Gravograph lets all its customers benefit from economies of scale generated on the materials consumed by a worldwide installed base of more than 100,000 machines. In just a few months the Gravoply™ Laser range has become a new standard in Gravograph products.


Hankook Machine Tools Co., Ltd. adopts REDEX ANDANTEX’ DualKRP+ Drives for its newest Rack & Pinion Type Roll Lathes!

Hankook Machine Tools, the machine tools industry leader in Korea, successfully developed and launched the marketing campaign for its new roll lathe R-50W equipped with the DualKRP3+ from REDEX ANDANTEX, the European high-tech rack and pinion planetary drive manufacturer. This lathe provides more precise positioning and overcomes the limited Z-axis movement of existing ball screw-type lathes.


Major announcement from REDEX at the Wire Asia Tianjin 2010 show

REDEX should announce a new record with the signing of more than 10 contracts for the supply of the Tandem Rolling Mills throughout the world over the last 12 months. In addition, the company will unveil its new range of Rolling Mills producing PV ribbon (photovoltaic copper thin sections)


Remform and ATP screws

Arnold provides two new reliable and cost-effective assembly methods to answer to the continuously evolving use of plastics. Remform screws is a solution for detachable plastic parts joints whereas Arnorld Tripress (ATP) are dedicated to permanent joints for ductile light metals or plastics.


Major announcement from REDEX at the Düsseldorf WIRE show

REDEX should announce a new record with the signing of more than 10 contracts for the supply of the Tandem Rolling Mills throughout the world over the last 12 months. In addition, the company will unveil its new range of Rolling Mills producing PV ribbon (photovoltaic copper thin sections).


Faiveley Transport wins a breakthrough order with Bombardier Transport North America for the supply of the brake system, doors and air conditioning for the Toronto City Tramway

Faiveley will equip a first order of 204 trams, with optional orders expected for a further 410 trams. This order is a major breakthrough reinforcing Faiveley's presence in the North American market.

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